


The cold rain hitting my skin,
The wind blowing past me,
The visor building up drops as I ride,
I’m up to 75mph and only thoughts of flying enter my mind,
The rain at that speed feels like specs of dirt hitting my skin,
But those pings of pain keep me grounded,
The pain that I feel growing,
The pain that is spreading through my core.

Why because I lived so long in a life of void.
I kept all my problems and issues aside.
I never dealt with any of it.
So the drops of water bring out each event,
and with each event, all the emotions I avoid.
But like a bad rain fall, I’m starting to flood with all emotions.
But the speed. Oh the speed.
It’s also my escape.
It’s my ticket to feel free.
The faster I go, the more I need to focus on the moment,
focus on what i see, what’s going on around me,
Nothing more…
But now the faster I go, the more the rain stings,
the more it brings out everything.
And my damn is over flooding.
My structure is starting to crack…
I fear for the release of it all,
But at the same time I welcome it
I want to be free. I want to let it all go…
So I pull on the throttle till i feel it all go
Now all I feel is the tears rolling down my cheek.

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