
I’m not a YES man, I’m a thinker

Why are there those who don’t want to hear reason? Why are there those who only want to hear YES. Why are there those that regardless of research, or data to prove their ideas are on the wrong path still want to push forward?

Why penalize those individuals for speaking their mind? Why shun those who want to grow, and learn from mistakes, who want to read and research things before executing plans?

Why not listen to the skilled and trained employees you hired?

I’d rather be the employee that listens, that questions, that researches, that comes up with ideas and solutions to problems. I’d rather be acknowledged not for agreeing and seeing projects fail, but for questioning and seeing possible issues before we waste the time and money on execution. I value my time and my work, wouldn’t you want an employee whose ideals are in your best interest than those who just agree with you?

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