Nature vs Man-Made

Love exploring all aspects of life. I love the colors the sunset made in this one photo. It soothes my soul and makes me feel peace. In the second photo, there is something about the structures in this photo just draw me in and make my mind work and create stories. For example to me it was a secret weapons base and some spy managed to get some photos.

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New Perspectives

Sometimes when life has stunted your growth, its time for a change. It can either be large change or sometimes just a temporary change of scene to get yourself fired up!

I went out west for a long weekend with some friends to go snowboarding. I needed a break from the negativity that was starting to cloud my mind. So what does your mind think about when your heading down a steep black diamond trail? How fast can I go and how do I not hurt myself. Well luckily keeping my mind focused on just those two simple things changed my perspective. I didn’t have time for any doubts, I didn’t have time to think about other things. So the universe picked up on the positive vibes I was feeling. The freedom of flying down at my peak this weekend which was 43mph cleared my doubts my fears and brought about a new sense of pride and joy.

The universe greeted me with some new job opportunities. I have a phone interview this week, and possibly some others. So if your feeling blue, tired, bored, or just not yourself. Find a way to push yourself, to test yourself, to challenge yourself, and yes get in touch with nature! It helps to enjoy life when your seeing the world at 6000 + feet! Thank you Steamboat Mountain for the trails, for the lifts, and the gorgeous views!

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I’m not a YES man, I’m a thinker

Why are there those who don’t want to hear reason? Why are there those who only want to hear YES. Why are there those that regardless of research, or data to prove their ideas are on the wrong path still want to push forward?

Why penalize those individuals for speaking their mind? Why shun those who want to grow, and learn from mistakes, who want to read and research things before executing plans?

Why not listen to the skilled and trained employees you hired?

I’d rather be the employee that listens, that questions, that researches, that comes up with ideas and solutions to problems. I’d rather be acknowledged not for agreeing and seeing projects fail, but for questioning and seeing possible issues before we waste the time and money on execution. I value my time and my work, wouldn’t you want an employee whose ideals are in your best interest than those who just agree with you?

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Some inspiring videos

I watched these two videos, and I think that they are very eye opening and inspiring. So I wanted to share with you! Hope it resonates with someone.

Really interesting video – “design need not invoke grand gestures or sweeping statements to be successful, but instead can focus on the little things in life, the obvious, the overlooked”


Also how GoodYear is thinking outside the box for the future of tires…

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Rain melts the pain.

It all began, in the car. I was driving around to find a house. I new where I was, but yet I still couldn’t find the house that I was looking for.

In my deepest part of my soul I knew where I was supposed to go. But yet my mind would not let me remember how to get there… So I veered off, and parked. Then a bright flash! At this point I am standing in a vast empty field, with a thick fog filling the vastness of the the field. The air felt warm but the the moisture of the fog gave it a slight chill.

Then the rain. It was more than drops. It was like I was submerged underwater. The rain fell so hard and so fast, that it felt like I was falling. Yet the immense peace that I felt, kept me calm. The rain was the most soothing feeling I have felt in years, it was warm, and even though it fell hard, it was soft on my skin. All the pain, doubt, anxiety, all the negativity I have ever felt, melted and washed away with the rain. Then I noticed the steam coming from my hands and arms! I felt so free! I felt like I was reborn! And then my eyes open.

Just another rainy day

Who knew that a rainy day can bring so much fun! It let me reminisce about my past, and it let me know more about an interesting girl I met!

Blink, Blink

Cars honking, with their yellowish blinking lights letting the people behind them know where they are to go. But the irony is that no one is moving. Yet the consistent blinking is reminding you that they are heading in that same direction, yet no movement. You play with the radio to try and distract yourself from the rambling ideas in your mind.

One that quickly comes to mind is that one of missile launchers on your car, that can clear a nice steady path to your destination. You grip the steering wheel as if your aiming and you hit the imaginary button, you smile for a brief second, when your dream is suddenly disrupted by the genius who thinks his horn is his launch button to his nuclear arsenal located on the back of his hummer.

Ha ha, that makes me laugh, that ginormous monstrosity sitting in the same unmoving path. But in all the commercials for the vehicle the car is unstoppable, no matter the obstacle, I guess they didn’t want to show how much fuel that tank would use up idling until it got a chance to show its fierceness… I laugh yet again, he just keeps wailing on that horn, maybe he thinks its some kind of sonic blaster… sorry guy keep trying… but keep blasting that horn I am having some fun now thinking what types of weapons you think you have on that behemoth.


Ok so why does it seem when you know what you want in life you can’t attain it? And I’m definitely not talking materialistic. Material wealth comes and goes and brings temporary happiness, it does help in maintaining your needs to survive in this brutal world. But yet I hunger for something, something that I have had a taste of before. And that hunger is for the love of a special woman.

A woman that can make you feel like your not afraid of anything, a woman that can replenish your soul, a woman that pushes you to be the man you were always destined for. And a woman that can help you overcome those fears that haven’t let you give that love back. I desire to find that woman… but it seems that life isn’t ready to give her to me. So I have to keep pushing myself to move forward as hard as life pushes me down I have to learn to be able to be strong enough to endure what life pushes on me, so that when I do meet the woman of my dreams, she can see that I will be the man that she can lean on, and know that I’ll always be there!

Sorry the sappiness, but it is what I have rummaging through my mind!

Nasty November

Ok so its been a minute since I last posted something… I think my mind body and soul have been at war with each other.
I have started to gain some peace. The fog of despair has started to lift and now I can now see my path.

Its been a painful time for me, trying to figure out who I am, especially in dealing with some fierce hardships that have befallen me. I have been a dormant shell of a man for a long time. People say that with death comes life, and now can I see. I have put to rest a part of me that has haunted me, that hasn’t let me move on with my life. A part of me that was fearful, and full of doubt. The recent trails and tribulations of life have forced me to face my fears, face my doubts and move forward or perish in the bleak existence of this blind conformity.


Question? While we sleep do we travel? Does our unconscious state let us travel to other dimensions or visit others in a dream realm? I ask this cause lately my dreams have been so vivid, and I find that when I wake, I more drained than I was when I fell asleep.

So in our unconscious state do we use more of our brain, can we tap into different powers such as telekinesis, or precognition?

That is all I have for today…