I’m not a YES man, I’m a thinker

Why are there those who don’t want to hear reason? Why are there those who only want to hear YES. Why are there those that regardless of research, or data to prove their ideas are on the wrong path still want to push forward?

Why penalize those individuals for speaking their mind? Why shun those who want to grow, and learn from mistakes, who want to read and research things before executing plans?

Why not listen to the skilled and trained employees you hired?

I’d rather be the employee that listens, that questions, that researches, that comes up with ideas and solutions to problems. I’d rather be acknowledged not for agreeing and seeing projects fail, but for questioning and seeing possible issues before we waste the time and money on execution. I value my time and my work, wouldn’t you want an employee whose ideals are in your best interest than those who just agree with you?

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Data doesn’t lie

From the inception of our game, I have been advocating that we should release Red’s Journey as a free app. I have researched and read articles about other developers trying to get the reach they were looking for, and through their trials and tribulations have come to the same conclusion.

There are times that you have no control over the strategy, the execution of the marketing plan. Regardless of the data you provide, the research you provide, sometimes it’s out of your control and you have to let those in charge fail, and see what could have been done to make it a success, hoping that they see how my recommendations would have made it a success.

My plan was to showcase the app as how a Eye Glass Company was breaking barriers by exploring new avenues. To release the game as a free app, and donate our AD revenue to the charities we partnered with. That plan was not approved regardless of the data that was provided.

So with the current marketing plan, with our partners advertising the game as well, and showcasing our app at a Vision Expo with an estimated 20,000+ of attendees and vendors, this was our final stats.

386,350 Impressions (Daily Average) – The number of times your app showed up on the App Store.

1,827 Product Page Views (Daily Average) – The number of times your app’s App Store page has been viewed on devices with iOS 8 or tvOS 9, or later.

45 App Units – Each app purchase on a device with iOS 8 or tvOS 9, or later.

34 Sessions – The number of times the app has been used for at least two seconds.

As one of the team members, it saddens me that this could have been more successful, that we could have raised a lot more money for charity, had they looked at the data, and looked at the research, and looked at my recommendations with an open mind.

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coding headaches!!!

So I built a wordpress site for my company, I made them a template for creating parallax areas. Everything was working perfectly but then…. dun dun dun! The request came in to upload a mobile version of the image.

Normally this wouldn’t be an issue, but the problem lies that I was creating the section with inline style of the background image.

I tried doing some javascript checks and that worked perfectly when the page loaded for the first time. The resize function created all sorts of a mess!

The solution creating a media query and inserting my php variables of the background images, so before each section i am adding some styling and that was my non elegant solution. But one that works!!!

Here is link to the work in progress… wordpress parallax template

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